Saturday, November 16, 2013

Castles, Section C

A few days ago, while backing up my photos, I came across another castle. This is why I take LOTS of pictures; it's the best way for me to remember things. Anyway, the castle is Morningthorpe, in Brewster, New York. At the time, and now, it's owned and run by the Delancey Street Foundation.

I was with a good friend and my 3 boys, traveling from Buffalo to New York City. This was one of our stops along the way. I was able to go inside, but to the lobby/foyer area only. I remember that the fireplace was really nice, and had a symbols with a unicorn in the middle. This was probably part of the Howes' crest, as I found later somewhere on the internet. I did take a photo, but my camera (non-digital) was old, and didn't turn out well because I didn't use a flash.... or maybe wasn't allowed. Can't remember.

The castle has a history with Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus. You find brief histories about Seth B. Howes, a circus manager, below:

Southeast Museum Article
Local Putnam Article

Morningthorpe  in Brewster, New York

This photo was found somewhere on the web, years ago

from the world of Castles and Daisies